Awaiting the Tipping Point

In physics, there are times when a series of small changes or incidents creates enough energy to cause a significant effect. It can be a critical point that creates remarkable changes. These so called ”tipping points” can be good or bad. In the case of the camel and the straw, it was bad news for the camel as it became its breaking point and the straw that broke the camel’s back. The “last straw,” as it is called, originated in English and Arab proverbs in the 1700’s and are sometimes read as “Tis the last feather that breaks the horse’s back.” Whether in terms of a camel or a horse, it does not matter for man or beast or a…


And Just Be

Every second, your life becomes history. You choose who to love and who you shall hate. Who to trust and who to spit out. Most of us take for granted that tomorrow will be there for us. That friends will be by our side. That our pens will not run out of ink and that our hearts will beat forever. It is a luxury to stand in that place, to live that moment, and to be that free. As things sour, as they will from time to time, hold those tender moments in your heart for those moments will set you free. And, just be. Paradise – can one ever have too much of it, too much of anything? Our…


Sculpted of Kindness

“We hold in our hands the power to shape, not only our own, but the nation’s future”                       Dorothy I. Height As we were going through some papers this week, we happened to find this saying by Dorothy Height and it made us ponder. Sometimes we do not realize how much power we have in the decisions we make, the friends we keep, and the actions we take. Dorothy Height was a woman dedicated to social justice, an educator and activist who received the Congressional Medal of Honor from George W. Bush in 2004. Born in 1912, she received a scholarship for her oratory skills to Barnard College but was not admitted because they had reached their quota of two African…


Questioning the News

Some days it is a challenge to write. We always ask who might we forget or who might we offend? But, the news goes on and we have many questions about it. For example - Why is Clarence Thomas still allowed on the Supreme Court? Is Clarence Thomas a scofflaw? It’s clear that he has been given and has taken unreported gifts, has taken illegal real estate tax deductions, seemingly lied, and manipulated the law. And with him, it’s a couple’s game with Ginni by his side. Crooked man, crooked woman. Apparently, the Supreme Court has little regulatory oversight and few routes for disciplining its judges. In 1804, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase nicknamed, “Old Bacon Face,” was charged with…


The Harder They Fall

Sometimes it is hard to write about the world. The crime, the greed, the lack of conscience, and the not-so-Christian Christians who dare to call themselves Christians. Somehow, we must rise above it all and find the lightness of being. We must rise above the type of Christians who have created a God in their own image. We must rise above those who have found greed to be their new God. We must rise above the fact that there is a fringe group of people who are manipulating our country. Yes, it is time to face such reality. For instance, with the State of Florida, it has been suggested that it is time to replace its flag with the image…


The Grand Poobah

The Grand Poobah Trump was supposed to be arrested this week and his minions are mad. Unhappy with the law, a few of them took to the streets crying and screaming like babies. Grand Poobah Slagheap Like in the carton show, the Flintstones, Fred and Barney were members of a secret society lodge where they followed the buffoon  named Grand Poobah. The leader, Sam Slagheap, “The Exaulted Grand Poobah” led The Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes. But, unlike fiction, and just as inane, are those following the Grand Poobah Trump. Grand Poobahs are haughty characters who take titles like Lord and Commander. It is a mocking title for someone with lots of self-importance and who exhibits an inflated sense of…


Diversity – Equity – Inclusion

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are the new principles to attack, to blame, to ban, and to criminalize. DEI is to be feared and hated. It is now to be blamed for a recent California bank closing as stated by billionaire and The Home Depot co-founder, Bernie Marcus. He stated, “These banks are badly run because everybody is focused on diversity and all the woke issues.” Well, if that doesn’t make you queasy! How does he think he would have risen to the top as a Jewish man from New Jersey if there was not diversity, equity, and inclusion? What if Jewish persons had been blocked from the running for such positions? People like him have forgotten their cultural roots,…


Welcome to the Not So Sunny State

I know you must be tired of hearing about Florida but please indulge us one more time. It keeps coming in Florida, like a sewer pipe of political and legislative garbage. It’s being called the State of Ron DeFascist, Adolph DeSantis, mini-Russia, mixed with a Heil DeSantis tone, and a pledge to follow. Oh, Florida, the Sunshine State ain’t so sunny for some these days. Florida, the Sunshine State, where recent legislation has called for the disbanding of the Democratic Party. Yes, disbanding the Party and forcing Dems to move into a No Party Affiliation status. If that isn’t scary enough, Florida Senate Bill 254, introduced last Friday, would grant the courts emergency custody of children who receive gender-affirming care.…


Believe It or Not

If you were one of the 113 million people who watched the Super Bowl on Sunday, you probably saw the “He Gets Us” ads that aired twice during the show, wedged between your chips and dip and the beer and new car ads. What an apt time to show these Christian ads as this Super Bowl was the third most-watched television program of all time. The conservative, pro-life Christian group, Servant Foundation, based in Kansas, thought it was worth $20 million to run the two ads recasting Jesus in a contemporary light. But, many conservative Christians, not surprisingly, are angry because they say it doesn’t carry their message nearly as far as they would like it to. The Servant Foundation,…



Do the names Marjorie Taylor Green, Rick Scott, and George Santos stress you out? Does the saying, “You can put lipstick on a pig but it is still a pig,” make you laugh and cringe at the same time? Did Mitt Romney’s comments to George Santos at this week’s State of the Union, “You don’t belong here,” make you think that Romney for a second was finally “Woke?” Does the sight of Sarah Huckabee Sanders make you gag? Doesn’t she make drag queens look beautiful? Doesn’t this all make you want to look up the definition of crazy? We did it for you = unsound mind, mentally unbalanced, deranged, psychopathic, insane. There you have it, welcome to the new State…