Pathway to Peace – Reversing Fascism Today…

As we look at what is transpiring in Washington today, we wonder if DC will ever be the same. Maggie is a DC native and we met each other in DC. We love the city but hope that it can recover from the current abuse and infighting. We do have hope that it will recover and shine and be that special city on the hill again. When Maggie grew up, Dems and Repubs lived, worked and played together. It was a special city that was a blend of colors from white to brown to purple. We were free to be and to accept that others may be different but that was ok, and it was encouraged. We were DC. Today,…


The Presidential Debates

The Presidential debates have started and the question out there seems to be where do we go from here? Well, the first thing is not to get discouraged. Debates are designed to be vivacious discussions during which opposing opinions are stated, various views are presented, and some opposing disagreements may ensue. The Democratic debates fall in line with what a debate is intended to be. Although, the first and second debates took two nights to complete, and the fact that there are so many women and men running on the Democratic side, could be overwhelming to some people. This onslaught of candidates can also be seen as a huge opportunity. A year ago, we were wondering who, if anyone, would…


Restoring Our Democracy

Do you ever wonder what people think of when they first wake up in the morning? Whether it’s getting up to go to work, taking care of their families or just themselves? What do we all face each day? With any luck, we wake up with peaceful thoughts, brush our teeth, and go on with our day optimistic about the day and our world. 2 Gals 4 Peace has some thoughts about this for we now face each day with both gratitude and concern. Although there is always room for change and advocacy, as of late there seems to be more of a need for us as humans to ensure that we act more humanely. This is certainly due to…