Roe Your Vote

Rebecca Lee Crumpler was born in Christiana, Delaware in 1831. After living in Pennsylvania, Boston, and Richmond, Virginia and working as a nurse, she moved back to Massachusetts. There she attended the New England Female Medical College in Boston and, in 1864, she became the first African American woman to become a Doctor of Medicine in the United States. Around the same time, while decent people like Dr. Crumpler were working to save lives, relieve pain, and prevent illness, 40 states were banning abortion. In the same year, Arizona enacted its ban on abortion soon after it became a territory. While women of all colors and cultures were pushing to succeed during that time, territories, states, and their elected leaders,…


April 4th is National Tell a Lie Day

“Liar, liar, pants on fire,   Your nose is longer than a telephone wire” Written on a napkin and picked up by the garage band, the Castaways, in 1965, Liar Liar was their first and only hit single. As we have come to realize, there are all sorts of liars. There are liars by omission and those who are compulsive, narcissistic, pathological, and sociopathic. Their lies come in all shapes and sizes as do the cowards who tell them. What happens to a human’s brain when we tell a lie? Studies have shown that the amygdala, the part of the brain that is associated with emotion, is stimulated when someone tells a lie for personal gain. And each time a lie…


     The Fox Behind the Chicken

In 1943, Walt Disney created a short film called Chicken Little. Most people, we are sure, are familiar with the Chicken Little story. You may have read it as a child or read it to a young person. A peek into Wikipedia provides an explanation of the Chicken Little story and the happy poultry farm that includes Cocky Locky, the leader, Henny Penny, Turkey Lurkey, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Poosie, and of course, yo-yo yielding Chicken Little. All are happy, feeling safe, secure, and living in a well-protected farmyard with a high wooden fence and a well-armed farmer. Little do they know that the villain, Foxy Loxy, has shown up looking for a poultry dinner. With the intent of outfoxing the…


The Egg or the Chicken   

Spoiler alert…this blog gets graphic. We are angry, feeling a bit defiant, and maybe going off the rails. Sometimes there are particularly difficult and appalling problems that we feel we must address. As we see it, the dark ages are approaching, the world is spinning backwards, and the attack on women is becoming increasingly evident. Not only are the laws and rules changing but the war against women is now being seen at all levels of social media, politics, and even in churches. The Atlantic reports that Elon Musk tweeted that he was going to inaugurate a new college, the Institute of Technology & Science, calling it TITS. The magazine also reported that the degrading of women is seen across…


Rock Bottom

When Maggie was a little girl, she recalls that her father had a certain morning routine. Since he was the first one in the household out the door in the morning, he would set up his cereal bowl and his orange juice glass on the kitchen table the night before so they awaited him as he started his day. Maggie is convinced that he sat there peacefully in the morning, pondering and planning his workday. Whether his day was predictable or not, he sipped his daily OJ with an added dose of cod liver oil (yuck!) and prepared for what the day might bring. Some may call Maggie’s dad an optimist, knowing that the next day would be there for…


Quietly Checking In

Sometimes it is nice to seek quiet, stillness like fresh fallen snow, no distractions, no sound, only quiet. For a moment we are doing just that and taking a break from the chaos and the bedlam to reflect on you, our readers. We have been remiss in not recognizing all of you for your efforts and contributions in working to save our Democracy and supporting each other along the way. We understand that each day, by your actions and/or by how you live your lives, you are making a significant difference in this challenging world. You live in Vermont, Virginia, Florida, DC, Delaware, Maryland, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, Texas, Canada, Switzerland and beyond. From all over, your efforts…


“The Chosen One”

Trump is now calling himself “The Chosen One.” Ben Carson recently called Trump “Another King David.” King David, the once King of Israel, was famous for playing the harp while worshiping God and for killing the Philistine giant, Goliath, with a slingshot. So, the stories go on…imagine Trump playing a harp and shooting a sling shot. Why does, “You’ll shoot your eye out” from the Christmas Story come to mind? By the way, it is also written in the Bible that King David committed adultery, tried to cover up the affair by killing the woman’s husband, committed several murders, and caused many deaths and illness. And at a time when Kings went off to war, David sent out his entire…


Orange Jesus

Many of Trump’s followers believe that Trump is the second coming of Christ and the “Holy Figure” anointed by God. We are starting to believe that he thinks he is Jesus. Isn’t this the “Orange Jesus” that recently told his non-supporters at Christmas “to rot in hell?” The reality is that Trump’s fake Christian nationalism’s only virtue is the use and abuse of religion. If you have seen Trump’s ad on Truth Social, “God Made Trump,” you were probably sickened by it. And, if you have not seen it and want to understand how Hitler is being channeled through Trump, sit down and listen but do it before dinner so you don’t lose your cookies. The promo praises him as…


Pillars of American Fascism

We recently attended a small-town parade and were taken back to the days when people came together to celebrate this country. As the bands, dancers, politicians, horses, police cars, and fire trucks frolicked by, they were greeted with cries of thanks from the throngs of onlookers. Even the realtors were cheered on by onlookers! We cannot imagine what our world would be like if we did not have the right to free speech and the freedom to parade our views and look up to those whom we believe in. What we do have lurking in this country worries and frightens us. It is sad and terrifying to admit this but fascism in many respects has arrived here by means of…

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846-02797794© ClassicStock / MasterfileModel Release: YesProperty Release: No1930s TWO BOYS SLEDDING OUTSIDE IN SNOW

The Power Within

As the year turns a corner, all kinds of emotions and memories can be stirred up at this time. Recently, we saw a commercial that we now watch every time it comes on tv. This is unusual for we usually quickly grab the mute button for most ads, especially those for gutter guards and bathroom renovations! This particular commercial starts with three elderly women, wrapped in winter apparel, coats, scarves, and gloves, sitting on a bench at the top of a snow-covered hill drinking hot chocolate. As they watch the “youngsters” sledding down the hill, their faces gleam as their wise eyes also project a bit of sadness and envy. Memories of earlier days, we are sure, are flowing through…