Everything We Own Is Wrinkled

The world is shifting. This we believe is the biggest shift in humanity in modern times. Bigger than the industrial revolution, the invention of the indoor toilet, the refrigerator, the washer and dryer, and the TV. The current shift is that of morality and of conscience - a shift in the basic function of the human brain. It is retrogression disguised as evolution and one that is pushing humans back in time and in thinking rather than forward. It is a movement fueled by a lure to power and greed which is creating a separation from the essential human connection with others and with the earth. It is a movement that is creating a void, a robotic chill, accompanied by…


A Time Ago and Back Again 

Maggie has a clear recollection of her days as a young girl spending summers in Rehoboth Beach, DE. The ocean, the boardwalk, the rides, crabbing, and shucking lima beams. Great early memories! She remembers the houses her family stayed in. Ocean block, front screened porches, no AC, only the breeze coming right off the Atlantic. It was heavenly. She can also remember those early mornings at dawn when barely awake, windows open, she could hear a faint sound in the distance approaching. The sound would quickly grow louder and louder as if it were going to come right through the windows and into the house. She would jump out of bed just in time to see a plane fly barely…