Breathe In

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Faced with the enormity of this election, do not hold your breath!  Breathe in Biden-Harris and breathe out Trump. Breathe in Jaime Harrison, Sara Gideon, and Theresa Greenfield and breathe out Graham, Collins, and Ernst. And so forth…

With 11 days left until the election, the Democrats and our supporters are stoked. We are ready to end this fight and get back to the real work of restoring our democracy. Our neighbor across the street told us that if Trump gets in once again, he is moving back to Canada. Let’s hope that none of us will have to make that kind of decision. As the clock ticks down, let’s do all that we can to get out the vote and right this country. If there is something that you have been waiting to do, like making a phone call, sending an email, wearing that Biden-Harris t-shirt, putting a sticker on your car, or riding in a Biden caravan, this is your chance to make that happen.  At minimum, offer moral support to other Biden-Harris backers. We could all use that boost!

This is our opportunity to be a part of something enormous and a time to be proud to be a Biden-Harris supporter. No matter what, we will stick together because we are always stronger together. On to November 3rd… just breathe.

Don’t just read about the news, be a part of it!

This blog is dedicated to poll workers everywhere. Stay safe and bring the vote home for Americans who believe in our democracy.

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