Bracing For Impact

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Similar to when the pilot tells its passengers to “brace for impact,” we held on waiting for a flood of some sort on November 8th. Pundits’ cries of a red tide or a blue bath – who would have known the real outcome?

Yes, Florida got painted blood red but the rest of the country fared well in blue. The results in the “M” states of Maine, Maryland, and Michigan were outstanding! The right to choose took a stand and won even in the South. The people used their voices and voted their intentions. And, they won on many issues and in many places.

Does this indicate that the country is moving on? Moving on from the rhetoric of hate? Well, maybe not totally, but remember in the darkness even a small light appears bright. We will hopefully, as a country, be expanding that light and compassion and fairness will reign and fill in those fissures of anger and hate.

What if, as Maryland’s Governor-Elect, Wes Moore has suggested that we work to create a nation of One Goal with One Mission -the mission to unite. While doing so, we could continue to value our political friendships and also reach out to others across that wide aisle who may think differently than we do. Can we as individuals and as a country embrace this difficult task?

As long as we are alive, it is guaranteed that we will be challenged with struggles. Sometimes we think that is why we are here on this earth. So let us celebrate our wins and prepare for the next hurdle, and as always, together.

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