Are humans the only animals that can laugh and cry at the same time? Living in Florida, we have been doing a lot of this lately. Every day, we are confronted with political tomfoolery and misguided judgments, much of which is plain meanness. The latest attack on abortion by the MAGA Supreme Court is a prime example of this. The person who leaked that information should be given a Medal of Honor.
Those of us living in Florida have a front seat to watching fascism attempt to roll into this country inch by inch. You may question why we would burden those readers who do not live in Florida with our woes? Well, because we are seated in the front of this miserable boat and we are experiencing the approaching waterfalls more clearly than those of you in the rear. Remember this Far Side comic – it is the same waterfall…

Because the crisis in democracy is in full swing in Florida, it does not mean that it is not coming soon to your State. Beyond the ultra-conservative Supreme Court, look at right wing Paul LePage who is set to run for Governor in Maine. Texas is a mess and New Hampshire and other States, previously thought of as peaceful States, are filled with hate groups. And, thanks to Trump who helped unleash these mongrels, in 2018, the Southern Poverty Law Center exposed over 1,020 hate groups across the US alone. We share these observations with you because we want you to be aware of what may unfortunately be lurking at your doorsteps no matter what State you live in.
Florida’s Ron DeSantis, DeSatan as he is now being called, is showing us that he does not believe that lives matter. Groomed by a COVID crisis, he has created a culture war and other problems that do not exist yet but puts in laws to correct them. He is the kind of person who lights fires so he can be the hero who puts them out. He makes up things to suit his agenda, like gay people are “groomers.” Children beware! He is as dangerous as the bills that he has passed in the name of “Freedom.”
Those are:
Restricting what teachers can teach and discuss with their students
Banning inclusive banners, flags, and signs in school like COEXIST
Restricting gender discussion in schools – Don’t Say Gay
Restricting school discussion on race, its history, and related topics – Stop Woke Act
Banning and censorship of school and librarybooks, including math books that he claims, without evidence, includecritical race theory
Bullying students for making the choice of wearing masks
Ending “tenure status” for public university professors
Restricting peaceful protesting for equal rights – Anti-Protesting Law
Criticized Disney employees for standing up for Don’t Say Gay
DeSantis is big on executive orders or introducing bills that:
Restrict being able to give food or water to those in line at voting sites
Restrict and make abortion illegal, even if a person is raped or a victim of incest after 15 weeks
Redistrict to reduce minority representatives, increase Republican seats, anddecrease the number ofvoting locations
Turn his back and take no stand on pollution creating industries
Invite and pay $5000 incentives to law enforcement officers to move to Florida who do not want to be vaccinated
Punish Disney by stripping it of its special self-governing status for taking a stand on LGBTQ issues – Parental Rights and Education Law – Don’t Say Gay
Appointed a Surgeon General who is supposed to protect the State’s health but who has little experience, is a non-vaxxer, and non-masker. The new Surgeon General has promoted medications that were not approved by the AMA or the CDC.
DeSantis, also called Lucifer, is a Jim Crow, Dred Scott politician who discriminates against the people whom he has sworn to serve. He is oppositional, defiant, enjoys imposing his “freedoms” and is intoxicated by the idea of becoming President. Ask Disney and they would tell you that DeSantis is Florida’s homegrown Pepe Le Pew, a real stinker, who won the Governorship by only a small margin. DeSantis is power hungry and expects “his” people to love, to look and to think like him. This is not freedom. It is oppression! He is known to pay off groups and award gifts to organizations to win votes as he works to sanitize and remove critical thinking. Every day while in office, Ron DeSantis avoidsdealing with Florida’s real issues, such as dwindling homeowners’ insurance, out- of-control home and rent prices, the environment, increased pollution, and childhood hunger. Yes, he is a real stinker!
In Florida and in this country, we have a fight on our hands to protect freedom and democracy. And, since the arrogant DeSantis may run for President in 2024, that makes things even more frightening. In Florida, our call is, “Don’t Say Ron” and Charlie Crist is our pick for Florida’s next Governor. On November 8, 2022, we will see where this State stands. If DeSantis wins again, we may see a line of U-Haul’s headed north on November 9th.
Silence equals Death to Democracy if we do not stand up to protect it. Do not be the next State to be a victim of fascist rule. And for our country’s sake, support women’s freedom of choice. It all begins or ends here!
“…without equality there can be no democracy.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Ron DeSantis – Florida’s Stinker