Awaiting the Tipping Point

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In physics, there are times when a series of small changes or incidents creates enough energy to cause a significant effect. It can be a critical point that creates remarkable changes. These so called ”tipping points” can be good or bad. In the case of the camel and the straw, it was bad news for the camel as it became its breaking point and the straw that broke the camel’s back. The “last straw,” as it is called, originated in English and Arab proverbs in the 1700’s and are sometimes read as “Tis the last feather that breaks the horse’s back.”

Whether in terms of a camel or a horse, it does not matter for man or beast or a country because sometimes the straw can become too much to bear.

So, fast forward to the 21st century and some news of the week.

The Supreme Court has proven once again that it is not supreme in its rulings. For this week, it turned its head away from the environment, making room for more development and pollution of US wetlands.  It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature but is this yet another tipping point for our environment? 

Once again in Florida…

Florida succumbs to medical madness this week as it passed a “denial of care” law that removes the essence and the heart of practicing Medicine. It removes the basis of the spirit of the oaths that medical professionals, Physicians and Nurses and others, take to Do No Harm, to give patents Freedom to choose freely, and to ensure fairness in their treatment. We are sure that Nurse Florence Nightingale is rolling over in her grave with this decision. Penned by the seemingly serial killer, Ron DeSantis, this law allows medical professionals, even at the EMT level, to deny care based on personally “held religious, moral, or ethical beliefs.” So, if you think, act, or look differently from a medical or therapeutic provider at any level, you too can now be denied care in Florida. If you live in Florida or plan on traveling to Florida, take this seriously for it could, believe it or not, make a difference in the care you receive if you become ill.

And this week, a return to the horror show of book banning as devil DeSantis continues his wrecking ball of the minds of young people in Florida by allowing the banning of “The Hill We Climb” by Amanda Gorman at a Florida Elementary School. No words for this other than pure insanity laced with cruelty and stupidity.

All of this is happening while he continues to create his armed Florida State Guard to the tune of $13.5 million of taxpayer dollars to date. The Guard is filled with officers with past histories of excessive violence and/or arrests. Some include kidnapping and murder. One officer lured to the Guard was accused of murdering her husband, another had domestic battery charges, while another engaged in improper sex acts. Boy, these are the people that we would want to protect our backs!

Although we tend to not be religious, for a moment this week we thought there was a God. A God that came down from heaven and jammed the Twitter feed site which caused it to crash like a rickety watermelon truck full of Bibles. We believe that the DeSantis announcement of his run for the Presidency may have been the tipping point, even for God. Even s/he had had enough. There was finally a God that grasped the struggle of people of different colors, thinking, and orientation who are fighting for their rights and social justice. For a moment, the skies opened up and the devil lost his traction. And at that very moment, Tina Turner, all the way from Switzerland, decided to send a final finger gesture to DeSantis by dying on his announcement day. As we watched the news that night, we thought how fitting that the death of Tina Turner overshadowed the news story of Ron DeDa’s big announcement!   Oh yes…”What’s love got to do with it!” Both God and Tina had reached their tipping points.

We dedicate this blog to those fighting for social justice, which includes the HRC, LULAC, NAACP and all of you as you do your part.

And to those who are still living in the polluted world with Ronnie DeDa, just remember that your Bible tells you not to follow false Gods and to follow him is certainly that!

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