The Birth of Light

The history of the origin of light is pretty amazing. When thinking about it, we recall that Humphry Davy invented the first electric light and Thomas Edison, the first light bulb. The 1990’s invention of long-life bulbs and Compact Fluorescent bulbs are now the champagne of light bulbs. Daylight is another story. Those studying physics tell us, just a few hundred thousand years after the Big Bang, the moment of first light was born. This is known as the Era of Recombination – the birth of light. It was at this point that the universe went from being totally opaque to transparent. Fast forward to the evolution of humankind and the survival of our species way before any need for…


Good and Plenty

Maggie, from time to time, talks about her parents and how they went through the Depression as children. Her mother was not a hoarder but she was a re-user, particularly glass jars. It was an apt example of not wasting a thing and truly living the “waste not, want not” ideal of the time. A version of this phrase from 1576 was “Willful waste makes woeful want.” This saying is also traced back to a 1772 proverb, “waste not, want not. The less we waste, the less we lack in the future.” It was first noted in the US in 1932 in the comedy film, “Topper Takes a Trip.” Placards with this saying were frequently hung in kitchens as a…


Losing Our Way?

When babies are born, they arrive with a sense of conscience that develops over time into adulthood. The human conscience is the regulator that gives us the ability to choose right from wrong and good from evil. It is that “little voice inside our heads.” The human conscience is formed by identification like “monkey see, monkey do.”  It has its beginnings in childhood and, with age, is influenced by instruction, training, and interactions with the environment, family included. Because of these various influences, this may explain why humans do not necessarily act in the same manner or hold the same ethical and moral beliefs. It seems these days that the human conscience may be deteriorating a bit and that the…


An Oath to Keep

“I, ________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…” This week, the Washington, DC area had its first frost warning of the season. How fitting as Virginia was also included in that warning. This warning was an apt response to Tuesday’s Virginia elections and the results on the up and down ballots where Republicans overall took the win. Across the US, at least thirteen members who attended the “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan 6th won their bids for election. Three of those Republicans were elected to state legislatures and five won positions at the local level. We find this bone chilling. Among the…


Today’s Travail

The Bible and religion are always a tricky subject to talk about, much less to write about. But here we go… For some reason, we recently began to think about why there were Bibles in hotels and they were usually found in bedside tables. This came out of an idea one night by two traveling salesmen who were Christians in 1898 as they shared a room in a crowded hotel. As a result, they formed a group calling themselves the Gideons. They placed their first Bible in a nightstand at the Superior Hotel in Superior, Montana in 1908. As of February of 2020, 2.4 billion Bibles had been distributed by Gideons International, the evangelical Christian organization, to hospital, prisons, schools,…


Where’s the Beef?

We have already begun to think about the 2024 run for President. We are not quite sure that Joe will run again and are already wondering who will lead the Democrats to victory. We are hoping that Trump will be indicted and incarcerated by that time or at least on house arrest in Mara Lago. Florida has become the “Make America Florida” State and the scarred face of the Republican Party. Even American gangster and businessman, Al Capone, found Florida to be the perfect escape. We have decided what the Dems need to do to win in 2024 is not just to pick the right candidate but also the right slogan. Advertising slogans and jingles are proven to have a…


The Eyes Have It

It occurred to us this week that it was such a joy to be able to say good morning to someone and smile while doing so. Even though it was outside and at a distance, it seemed so pure and real. The morning was sunny and cool and, for the moment, all seemed right with the world. As epidemiologists identify the current three “C’s” of COVID concerns - Crowds, Close contact, and Close spaces - this makes it even more important to savor those moments of connection. So, at a distance, we smile because in the last couple of years these moments have been challenging and have felt remote and rare. Some say that it takes fewer muscles to smile…


Send in the Clouds!

The last several nights, we have taken to watching the sunset. We have followed the clouds as they roll, wander, and eventually disappear.  Forming shapes of things we know and those we make up, the clouds capture our imagination and our curiosity. We always come back to asking what are clouds made of and what are all those colors about, especially at sunset? The reds, oranges and, as we saw last night, the purple clouds ahead of the gray and black. We understand that the marriage of light and raindrops creates rainbows that are known as a symbol of hope and good fortune. But, clouds on the other hand are different. Apparently, their color depends primarily on the color of…



We hate mistakes. Well, our own to speak of. Last week, we said that General Eisenhower was elected to the Presidency in the 1940’s. We were wrong. It was in the 1950’s as one of our astute readers pointed out. We said, “Oh shoot, a typo” and thanked her. It proved once again that we are humans, not robots. Maggie’s Dad never liked Eisenhower which was one of Maggie’s earliest political memories. Her Dad said that he played too much golf! Imagine if her Dad had been around for four years of Trump who, by the way, did not even show up for the 9/11 remembrance last week and has never admitted to making any mistakes. No apologies there! Apologizing…


The Swing of Things

A reformed conservative, fundamentalist son of an evangelical theologian and now an outspoken liberal activist, Frank Schaeffer has proclaimed that the “American Taliban” is the present day threat in this country. He asserts that our domestic war is one of Democracy vs. Theocracy and is a war of religion as the evangelical party clings to their guns. Their attitudes screech of white reign, anti-science, pro-gun, pro-life, anti-women’s movement and embellishes domestic terrorism. The State of Texas yearns to lead in these efforts to control residents as they find themselves living in an anyone can carry a gun, vote-blocking, and anti-women state. Following Texas is Florida, and about five other states, that are also looking into the same anti-abortion bill. Behold the…