Drive On Ladies!

March is Women’s History Month. You may not know the name of Alice Huyler Ramsey but she is a woman to be remembered. She was born in 1886, attended Vassar College, and lived in a time in the early 1900’s before the paving of roads. Although she loved horses, in 1908 her husband bought her a green Maxwell DA runabout and she quickly found a passion for driving. As a 22-year-old housewife from Hackensack, New Jersey, she entered driving endurance races and did well in them. At one event, being one of only two women in the race, she met a man who worked for Maxwell. He proposed that she take a cross country trip as a stunt to increase…


Don’t Leave Me Here

We cannot thank our friends enough for their concerns and messages of support that we received following the last blog. It is a challenging time for our country, our world, our humanity, and our environment. Sometimes it is difficult to write about kindness when there is so much tragedy happening in the world. There is so much to think about in today’s realm. The world is certainly a mix of love, hate, kindness, and confusion. We were at a big box store last week and saw a boy around fifteen wearing an interesting T-shirt. It was dark gray with a spaceship taking off in the distance and it read “Don’t Leave Me Here.”  We found this perplexing and realized that…


World in Decline

It is hard to admit that our society is on a decline. There is so much goodness in this world but depravity is working hard to influence a takeover of the good. Our hearts go out to those peaceful people of Ukraine. They are victims of a Putin invasion with families scurrying to survive the Russian bombs outside of their homes. Friends and families have been separated from each other as crying children cling to adults for safety. Families are being torn apart and the pain is immeasurable. The acts of a vile man and the destruction caused by greed and power which is pure evil. In this country, we cry for Democracy as US states vote in fascist laws…


The God-Awful Truth

The highway sign as you cross over 95 going south into Florida should read: Welcome to the Freedom State - (but read the small print) Do not bring any books with you except your Bible. Leave your trashy Catcher in the Rye and Lord of the Flies behind or they will be confiscated. And, god forbid, if you bring anything about Anne Frank or Michele Obama’s book with you or Caste or anything else that may offend the white people here. Salute our Florida Legislature for its new bill, HB 1557 “Parental Rights in Education,” which seeks to ban those nasty sex education classes and gender discussions. It’s been said that under this bill, if a student wants a vegetarian…


Bring Back Comity

Comity = courtesy and considerate behavior towards others Over two years ago, we found ourselves semi-laughing about saying hello by knocking elbows. Today, on a more serious note, in the US we have lost over 900,000 to COVID, the young and the old and those in-between. It has created a world of unrest and vigilance in many ways. Things may seem a little shaky once again and more of a challenge due to COVID. Just when we thought we might have a bit more freedom, we find ourselves having to step back to keep safe. But, wearing a mask is easy but it’s the mental strain that takes its toll. Many in today’s world have taken to being greedy and…


The Third Eye

We were recently talking about our eyes and came upon the notion of a third eye. There is a theory that humans in ancient times had a third eye in the back of their heads that had a physical and spiritual function. As it goes, as humans evolved, the third eye atrophied and sunk into the pineal gland. Today, many believe that our bodies are comprised of seven chakras and the most important one is the sixth one, the third eye. The third eye, which is the color purple, symbolizes enlightenment and is located between the eyebrows. If you can find it, you might find your clairvoyant powers or the ability to have an out of body experience. It is…


Jump Jim Crow

It is hard to find the words to describe how we feel about the defeat of the voting rights bills this week. It is at a minimum shocking! Voting is the basis of a democracy and a democratic government cannot run freely without it. How would we have known that this was coming? Should we have known that this was coming? Shame on Manchin and Sinema and the Republican Senate. We guess we should have seen this coming when we witnessed Republican led states passing laws making it more difficult for minorities to vote. The execution of a Republican master plan has resulted in polling locations shrinking for many. Included in the plan is a change in the requirement for…


Holy Caligula

It has been said that if the earth’s poles were to reverse, it would mark the death of this planet. As we observed the one-year anniversary of January 6th, we wondered if what we are currently experiencing are the poles reversing on an ethical and moral level. Anyone who was pleased with what happened on 1/6/21 is probably not reading this blog. When wrong is right, murder is praised, and peace demonized, we wonder if this reversal of poles has already begun. An arrogant, cry-baby kid kills two unarmed peaceful protesters in Wisconsin and is offered the Medal of Honor by Republican lawmakers and a job as a Congressional aid. Yet, a black man cannot take a jog down a…


That’s Our Betty!

At least there is something everyone can finally agree on, we hope. It’s Betty. Betty White was the picture of health and kindness, spunk, and a mix of classy nastiness. We all loved Betty because she loved life, she loved you, her audience, and her profession. She loved animals and she loved being alive and being human. She had a great run from 1922 to 2021. Who says the good die young? Not Betty! Betty was entertainment through and through but not that phony sticky stuff. She started out at age 8 on radio. She skipped college to jump start her career. She was a DJ at one point and even drove a PX truck for the AWVS during WWII.…


Ready or Not – Here I Come!

As children, we played Hide-and-Seek. As you may recall, there was one kid who was “it” who would close his or her eyes while the other little kids hid. After a count of about ten, the kid who was “it” would yell “ready or not, here I come!” and would search to find the other kids. When s/he did, the first kid to be found (usually hiding behind a bush or a car) would scream and run like crazy. The first player found would take the lead as “it” and start the game all over again. For some reason that game came to mind as we approach 2022. We think that’s because for us, change can be analogous to the…