Save the Books

Maggie authored a book for young people called Rapt Stack Mountain a couple of years ago. It is about a single, mouse mother who bears two children, Happy and Harmony. And the story goes on, cute and meaningful for all ages. When she offered a copy to the local library, the book sat for review forever and was never authorized to be on their shelf. Gee, we wonder why. A single mouse mother, pregnant, no obvious father, and two wonderful mice kids that explore life from a liberal perspective. Not in Florida! Apparently not in Texas either as we learned that the Keller Independent School District in Texas has pulled over 40 books from their library shelves, including the illustrated…


Oil and Water

There is so much in the news today that we are forced to filter out how much we can read and hear. The earth is spinning faster, parts of the moon may be habitable for human life, and rainwater is not safe to drink. Today, science and politics are like oil and water. One cannot seem to aid the other or come together on issues. In Florida, the Governor fired a twice elected Tampa Democratic State Attorney, Andrew Warren, because DeSantis does not like how he thinks. Stay tuned for Warren’s lawsuit! In Pensacola, a teacher was told to take down pictures in his classroom of his “inspirational American heroes.”  Teaching in a Black community, the list included Martin Luther…


Straightaway in the News

There is some good news coming our way and a few glimmers of hope. Now, we are hearing a number of Republicans think that the party has gone too far with restrictions on abortion and gay rights and that those two positions are out of step with public opinion. Says, Christine Matthews, a moderate Virginian Republican, “Republicans have taken things too far.” Has the party moved too far right and become out of sync by projecting hostility and alienating groups, including women? Indeed, it has! In addition, there is a group of Republicans who believe that the election of 2020 was “Lost not Stolen.” The group, comprised of three prominent retired Federal Judges, former Senators, a former Solicitor General, Congressional…


 Looking for an Oasis

A mirage is what you think you see. It is something that appears real or possible but is in fact not so. The word mirage comes from the Latin word “to wonder at” and the French word “to look at.” In science, a mirage has to do with the refraction of light on hot and cooler surfaces. A mirage is a deceptive appearance of a distant object and is an optical phenomenon consisting mainly of false images. Mirage sightings, as you know, are most common in deserts and we frequently see them on sweltering summer highways. Remember the old western movies or one set in the Sahara where characters struggle though the heat and sand and suddenly see a mirage,…


On the Road

We just returned from a retreat to the mountains of North Carolina. Escapes like these can be eye opening and enrich our lives. We  remember how easy it was years ago hopping into a car and taking off to the beach or mountains for a few days. Times, as they do, have changed. Bigger cars, more stuff to pack, busier roads, and a lot of people traveling everywhere. We found that highway driving today is a little crazy. Anyone that has taken a road trip lately returns with stories of near misses or just plain rude or risky drivers. Motorcycles passing us on mountain hairpin turns was like being in a circus where at points you hold your breath and…


Navigating a Troubled World

Sometimes it is hard to know what to write about. Mass shootings fill our hearts with pain. There are no words for the grief and trauma we all share. The struggle with the economy, the question of how to protect the children and the world in general can leave us speechless. The Supreme Court, once a respected institution, is now the enemy of gun control, clean air, women’s rights, and the right to live free without prejudice. This country is certainly on an interesting path. Following the recent Supreme Court ruling on abortion, we wanted to convey to women that they still have choices and that thinking and planning ahead of time is still the greatest form of birth control.…


Guns and Gods and Everything In Between

It is a recurring theme that people are in trouble these days. We keep hearing stories of woe from the person who repairs our car, our landscaper, or our hairdresser. The headlines read like we are in a cold war in our country. We are a nation divided, one nation under many gods, spearheaded by the new ultra-right-wing evangelicals. Yes, we are living during the time of an Institutional Crisis that has weaponized hate. It is an attack on our Democracy, the press, politicians, liberal judges, women, and the truth. Truth is now seen by some as an old-fashioned value belonging to our grandparents’ generation and, in some arenas, it no longer exists. It has been displaced by lies, extremism,…


Guns Over Gals

The question is…what do we do next? What more can this country take away from women? Who has the right to do this to us, to do this to young people and all women in this country? How do we move forward? How do we continue to respect this country, to live in this country? How do we live in a country that does not have our backs! Five conservative Judges of the Supreme Court and those like thinkers can take pride in ushering us straight into a fascist government. Now 50 years later, they can arrest our doctors and our friends and neighbors for providing and having an abortion. How dare they! What is next on their agenda? Is…



To be honest, we know that the last few blog writings have been heavy, reflecting what is happening in the world today. Some days feel like a runaway train or a roller coaster. We think it may be time to take a healthy break and center on something a bit different. We are sure that we all remember George Gershwin’s soulful song, Summertime, from 1934 Porgy and Bess. The Janice Joplin version can plunge you right into summer and we bet it is best sung in a convertible or in an outdoor shower. “Summertime and the livin’ is easy….” Summer is jammed into four months starting June 22nd and all the way into September. June, named after Roman goddess Juno,…


Finding Hope

People have been asking us what kind of world we think we are living in today. We find it almost impossible to answer that question. To answer this question, we believe we must first ask what have we become as a society. Looking back years ago to WW2, the country sacrificed countless lives and during that time enjoyed fewer comforts. By comparison with today, those were lean times. Those who survived felt that the time following WW2 was a time for celebration and plenty. As the war ended, television became a part of most households in the late 1940’s and early 50’s. The folks they invited into their homes via their TV’s were respectable and respected. The shows were designed…