Florida’s Whitewash  

When Maggie’s mother was a young RN in Virginia, she was assigned to attend to an extremely ill patient. In Nursing, you do not get to choose your patients. Her mother found out that the man was a KKK member. Maggie’s mother attended to him in his final days up until his death. Her mother shared this brief story with her when Maggie was in Nursing School many years later. She disclosed to Maggie that her dying patient, in his final moments, had shared with her the KKK mission and his vow of secrecy. Sworn to patient confidentiality, she never shared that with Maggie but only that both existed. Our understanding is that the original Ku Klux Klan consisted of…


A Time Ago and Back Again 

Maggie has a clear recollection of her days as a young girl spending summers in Rehoboth Beach, DE. The ocean, the boardwalk, the rides, crabbing, and shucking lima beams. Great early memories! She remembers the houses her family stayed in. Ocean block, front screened porches, no AC, only the breeze coming right off the Atlantic. It was heavenly. She can also remember those early mornings at dawn when barely awake, windows open, she could hear a faint sound in the distance approaching. The sound would quickly grow louder and louder as if it were going to come right through the windows and into the house. She would jump out of bed just in time to see a plane fly barely…


The Recipe for a Hot Day

A sizeable, Saharan dust plume found its way to Florida this weekend. The sand brushed the sky with a dusty hue that buffered a bit of the intense Florida sun. All the way from Northern Africa, the dust was transported thousands of miles from its home by thunderstorms, cyclones, and high-speed winds. The Saharan dust traveled like the carnival adage, “round and round it goes, and where it stops nobody knows.” Weather advisories encouraged Florida residents not to take deep breaths and to walk instead of running… July 3rd marked the hottest day ever on this planet. Followed by July 4th, 5th, and 6th. Those in the southern portion of this country can attest to this. Residents heeded warnings, like…


   Colonel Mustard with a Box

We just finished reading an article about how humans have pumped out so much groundwater that the Earth’s axis has shifted. And, this could be linked to changes in the mass of glaciers and ice sheets. Another matter is the emergence of malaria in Sarasota which is accompanied by the arrival of Giant African Snails that carry a parasite that can cause meningitis and even eat stucco. Now that is news! While politicians and Congress take on minorities, drag queens, pole dancing and book banning - the world is flooding and burning. Wildfire smoke from the eastern Canadian provinces continues to descend into the mid-west and eastern US producing the worst air quality index ever in many cities. The deadly…


The Silent Exodus

The Facts - There are now around 64 UN member States that have laws that criminalize being gay. In Brunei, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, the death penalty is imposed across the country. Uganda just joined other countries in criminalizing being gay with a penalty of life in prison. To note, no European countries have a law against being LGBTQ+. And now the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s top LGBTQ+ civil rights organization, has declared a state of emergency for the LGBTQ+ population in the United States. This follows the spike in “unprecedented and dangerous” anti-LGBTQ+ assaults sweeping State houses this year. What comes to mind when you think of an exodus? People fleeing Germany during WW2 or…


Awaiting the Tipping Point

In physics, there are times when a series of small changes or incidents creates enough energy to cause a significant effect. It can be a critical point that creates remarkable changes. These so called ”tipping points” can be good or bad. In the case of the camel and the straw, it was bad news for the camel as it became its breaking point and the straw that broke the camel’s back. The “last straw,” as it is called, originated in English and Arab proverbs in the 1700’s and are sometimes read as “Tis the last feather that breaks the horse’s back.” Whether in terms of a camel or a horse, it does not matter for man or beast or a…


And Just Be

Every second, your life becomes history. You choose who to love and who you shall hate. Who to trust and who to spit out. Most of us take for granted that tomorrow will be there for us. That friends will be by our side. That our pens will not run out of ink and that our hearts will beat forever. It is a luxury to stand in that place, to live that moment, and to be that free. As things sour, as they will from time to time, hold those tender moments in your heart for those moments will set you free. And, just be. Paradise – can one ever have too much of it, too much of anything? Our…


Sculpted of Kindness

“We hold in our hands the power to shape, not only our own, but the nation’s future”                       Dorothy I. Height As we were going through some papers this week, we happened to find this saying by Dorothy Height and it made us ponder. Sometimes we do not realize how much power we have in the decisions we make, the friends we keep, and the actions we take. Dorothy Height was a woman dedicated to social justice, an educator and activist who received the Congressional Medal of Honor from George W. Bush in 2004. Born in 1912, she received a scholarship for her oratory skills to Barnard College but was not admitted because they had reached their quota of two African…


Questioning the News

Some days it is a challenge to write. We always ask who might we forget or who might we offend? But, the news goes on and we have many questions about it. For example - Why is Clarence Thomas still allowed on the Supreme Court? Is Clarence Thomas a scofflaw? It’s clear that he has been given and has taken unreported gifts, has taken illegal real estate tax deductions, seemingly lied, and manipulated the law. And with him, it’s a couple’s game with Ginni by his side. Crooked man, crooked woman. Apparently, the Supreme Court has little regulatory oversight and few routes for disciplining its judges. In 1804, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Chase nicknamed, “Old Bacon Face,” was charged with…


The Harder They Fall

Sometimes it is hard to write about the world. The crime, the greed, the lack of conscience, and the not-so-Christian Christians who dare to call themselves Christians. Somehow, we must rise above it all and find the lightness of being. We must rise above the type of Christians who have created a God in their own image. We must rise above those who have found greed to be their new God. We must rise above the fact that there is a fringe group of people who are manipulating our country. Yes, it is time to face such reality. For instance, with the State of Florida, it has been suggested that it is time to replace its flag with the image…