Really, You Are Angry, Too?

OK, yes, we are angry. We shouldn’t be but we are. The heck with shoulds. But at the same time we understand that it is healthy to move away from that angry place. When we are angry, we virtually give our energy and power away and, today, more than ever, we need all of the energy that we can muster. Isn’t it better to refocus and not allow ourselves to become distracted with petty “Trump” stuff? Clearly, the opposing side’s game plan is to distract us from critical matters. Climate change, discrimination, health care, and immigration all fall by the wayside when all of our conservative leaders follow Trump like a hungry puppy. The fear of Trump that his followers…


Rise Up or Uprising

Late night drinking wine, texting/calling, going to bed early, tossing and turning, screaming at the moon, waking up much too early, making a plan and rising up. This is how some of our 2Gal’s friends have described their response after the Senate decision to not accommodate witnesses leading to the final vote and eventually exonerating Trump of wrongdoing. Prior to the Senate Hearings, we were convinced that the evangelicals were going to fulfill their biblical beliefs of Armageddon by taking us all to hell. Now, we are convinced that the Republicans have joined them. Throughout all of this, the 60’s song, “The Eve of Destruction” by Barry McGuire kept coming up, “Ah, you don’t believe we’re on the eve of…


White Lies Matter

Have you ever told a lie? If you answered “no” then you probably just did. As children, we all more than likely did lie when asked questions like,” Did you do that?” It is not unusual for young children to try and get out of having done something like taking an extra cookie, not washing their hands or whether they really ate their spinach. I can clearly remember one night at the dinner table stuffing that cooked spinach between a piece of white Wonder Bread in an attempt to conceal it as proof that I had actually eaten it. Today, either because I finally like spinach or because my brain has grown a conscience, I don’t lie about eating my…


Jumping the Divide

With the deepening of the divide, we must work harder to be smarter, to be patient, to be kinder, to win. Years from now historians will speak of those of us who went through these times, some of us as crusaders, some as tyrants. We have chosen our side to crusade for peace and social justice no matter how tiring it might be. Those looking back may not fully appreciate how we worked day by day and inch by inch to achieve social justice and how resiliency won and lies and greed were defeated. And, how the power of words “trumped” the constant lies. Yes, it is easier to kill a man than it is to work towards compromise with…


2020 – The Year of Insight and Vision

As we coast into 2020, we find it interesting to explore the meaning of this number. With a little research, we found that the Hebrews called 2019 the “year to see the snake in the grass.” We thought how fitting that was! They define 2020 as the decade of “pey” which means the mouth or speak. They further describe 2020 as “a year to widen your mouth or zip it shut.” Numerology sees the 2020 meaning as focus, relationships, and pragmatism. They note that the number 2020 reflects teamwork and they have infinite potential. Regarding eyesight, 2020 is explained as having visual acuity and sharpness of vision. If you find yourself looking for a reason to fully embrace 2020, this…


A Hopeful Stepping Stone to a New Era

As we make our way through this December, we ask ourselves what does this month mean to us? Certainly, it is the last month of the year in the modern calendar and its name comes from the Latin word “ten” which marked the tenth month of the year in the Roman calendar. It is one of seven months to have 31 days and it is the first month of winter which those of you living up north can well attest to. December observes World AIDS day, celebrates Christian and Jewish holidays, National Cookie Day, and honors many more. Of importance is that it can be a month of reflection as it ushers us into 2020. At midnight on the 31st,…


Act of Kindness Endeavor

If you haven’t noticed lately, we currently seem to be living in a world where some people have chosen to always put themselves first and in front of others. Whether it is in the name of their family, their business, or their religion, this seems to run afoul of what we believe is truly humane. Those who call themselves “Christians” and defend an Administration that discriminates, supports white supremacy, separates families, and steals from others, does not make sense. We have grown tired of the word Christian because it does not mean what it was intended to mean. Pure Christian teachings are about love, such as “Love your neighbor as yourself,” and “Love your enemies, while also encouraging forgiveness.” Pastors…


Don’t Fall Back – Move Forward

100 years ago, in October of 1919, Adolf Hitler gave his first political speech as a member of the German Workers’ Party in a beer hall in Munich, Germany. In his second speech in November of 1919, hecklers were violently ejected. That year, he also wrote of the necessity of removing Jews from Germany. Following those speeches, the rise of the Nazi party commenced and eventually lead to Hitler’s rise in leadership. Along the way, Hitler attempted to overthrow the German Republic in 1923 during which he was tried and spent time in prison for high treason.  Following his 9- month prison term, he reorganized and reunified the Nazi Party and structured it like a government so, when he came…


Good vs. Evil – Again…

When I was a little girl, my mother would take me to her hair appointments at Anderson Beauty Shop on 16th Street in NW DC. Since my mother chose not to drive, we walked there together. She was certainly eco-minded before its time. The hairdresser’s name was Ruth as was my mother’s. My time was spent watching the scissors cut and the big hair dryers roar. The smell from the permanent waves is forever etched in my memory.  But more importantly was the sense of caring and kindness that engulfed that Washington, DC salon. Many times, I was sent to the upstairs apartment to play with Ruth Anderson’s daughter and eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It was fun and,…


Being Brave on the Road to Peace

Omaha Beach in Normandy displays a sculpture named Les Braves which commemorates the American soldiers who in 1944 found their rest and final peace there. Those soldiers were the face of bravery and courage. Resigned to keeping America safe and resisting the corruption in Europe, they awaited their fate, ducked their heads, and ran towards the beach where many lost their lives in that instant. They were young people who had full lives ahead of them but, instead, they held their heads up high and marched in to enlist and join the fight for freedom, democracy, and peace. They knew what was at stake and that this was the battle for freedom versus oppression. At Normandy and beyond, supported by…