This Is Our Moment

August has always been a favorite month. As kids, it was the last hurrah before starting school and it was warm so swimming and playing outside were the best. As we know, this year is a bit different for all of us.  Who would have thought six months ago that we would still be in the height of the COVID crisis? The pandemic has moved from an acute disaster of a presumed short duration to a chronic fiasco. Our homes, if we are lucky enough to still have them, have become our sanctuaries. As we can see, our friends and neighbors are fortifying and updating their abodes. Restaurants are installing UV lights in their AC/Heat systems to kill bacteria and…


Rise Up

In last week’s blog, we challenged ourselves to be more positive and keep things lighter as we move towards election day. We cannot say that we are not going through some withdrawal by not writing about the week’s events surrounding the foolish happenings at the White House, but it does feel better not lingering over the madness. Now 87 days – that’s 12 weeks - until the election. Things are getting exciting! On a chilly note for the National Ice Cream Month in July, we would like to give a belated shout out to Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. They are a Vermont company that opened in 1978 and has always supported social justice from same sex marriage to criminal…


Mama Says…

After writing this week’s blog, we read it over as we always do multiple times and decided to tear it up. It read like a history lesson about a racist Trump and how he resembles the racist George Wallace. The only difference between the two of them seems to be that Wallace was a Democrat! The blog detailed the White House directive of use of force by unidentified Federal storm troopers who denied peaceful protestors their First Amendment rights. And how, if arrested, they had to sign their First Amendment rights away by stating that they would never protest again. We wrote that several news media, photographers, and peaceful protestors have been maimed or killed by blunt force with plum-sized,…


A Fitful Four Years

A memory from Maggie’s childhood: “When I was a little kid, we used to play games with the other kids who lived in our neighborhood. Inevitably each time we played a board game, Peter, who looked like Beaver on Leave it to Beaver, would try to cheat. As a result, we ended up calling him “Cheater Peter.” I wonder some 50 years later, how Peter is doing? Is he still a cheater? I would think not so because most kids grow out of this kind of behavior and, as adults, we win or prosper on our own merits.”         Speaking of kids who did not grow out of their cheating behavior, we ordered and received Mary Trump’s book about her…


Saudade – The Missing Part

After another weekend goes by, we find again that we miss our friends. We miss creating an atmosphere in our home for friends to come over to eat, drink, talk, console, and be consoled. We miss the clatter of silverware and strangers’ voices at a restaurant on a Saturday night. We miss the beach with the smell of suntan lotion, surf, and music in the distance. We miss the mystery of a quiet library and wondering what people are reading or thinking about in such silence. We miss life and the freedom to come and go that we were all lucky enough to have known for our lifetime. We miss knowing that we can go somewhere even if we don’t…


Darkest Hour or a New Light?

Today, we seem to be faced with a nation that continues to be plagued with unrest and a virus that has taken a grip on humanity and threatens our basic existence. Boredom at home, loss of jobs, closure of businesses, and political struggles are holding us hostage as we try to come to grips with how to survive this multifaceted attack. The easiest problem to solve, one would think, would be for us as humans to accept each other as equals. To be able to sit next to someone who is different from ourselves and not be scared or threatened by that difference. The skin, the hair, the education, the traditions can all be frightening. But why? There is an…


The Lone Ranger Rides Again!

We are growing tired of reading and hearing about the dysfunction of this Administration. By now, we all can appreciate the psychological theory that “damaged people damage people.” We are living this every day. Trump’s need and obsession to be rich, famous, and powerful has filled the last 4 years with abuses against at least 70% of the American people. The other 30% are either asleep or too damaged to see the light. Well, we have seen the light and it is the end of the tunnel for Trump. So big deal, five months later, 3 million cases later, 136,000 deaths later, Trump finally wore a mask stating, “I felt like the Lone Ranger.” The Lone Ranger you are not,…


The Soul of This Nation

As you subsist in your home, work from home, or work in your office, you may find yourself encountering the second wave of Covid-19 boredom. In the first wave, which started approximately in March, we somehow believed that it would be self-limiting. And we believed that there was an exit plan. Now, 5 months into this pandemic, we are wondering if that exit door even exists. Here in Florida, the state has opened up much too soon only to have to begin to close down again. We have become the hot spot of the country as the country becomes the hot spot of the world. Throughout this Covid-19 journey, we find ourselves wondering about the identity of our country and…


A Perspective

An interesting perspective from Maggie, a DC native: “I am white but part of my soul is black. I grew up in DC, which was then nicknamed “Chocolate City.” When I was young, I was told certain things that are now disturbing to me, like slaves were happy to be slaves. At the time I was too young to know about systemic racism. I did not understand this and today in contrast, I have a different perspective on xenophobia. The word and concept of Slavery equals bondage, captivity, oppression, and servitude and is the opposite of freedom. Why would anyone be “happy” being a slave? What a lie we were told. I should have asked the person at that time,…


Take A Breath

As protests march on and the virus expands, we are reminded that, despite this, life goes on. We lose loved ones, we are faced with new challenges, and our resilience is endlessly tested. The locusts are coming. Florida has a 110-degree heat advisory. There is an earthquake in California. And, the Saharan dust storms are sweeping the country. We say, bring it on for we will dig deep and muster up our resilience! The word resilience is an interesting one. It was originally a scientific term taken from Latin and, in 1640, was used to mean springing back. It was first used in English by Francis Bacon. In physics, resilience is the ability of a substance to absorb energy and…