Time to Lean In

The October Surprise has arrived early this election year. A President who is personally reckless has been taken ill by a virus that is only a hoax and will go away like a miracle. Trump said early on that the virus had infected only one person and not to worry. We would say, yes, one person at a time, Mr. Trump. How is that working for you right now? Science Rules! Mary Mallon was born in Ireland in 1869. She immigrated to the US in 1884. She worked in a variety of domestic positions for wealthy families prior to her career as a cook. Her mother had become infected with typhoid when she was pregnant, leaving Mary one of the…


Handling The Fear

This week, we again saw a horrific display of who Donald Trump really is, what he supports, and what he represents. We saw the devil in clowns clothing at work, an abuser with no emotional control. Trump’s actions were those of a five-year-old oppositional defiant child having his first haircut. Although not new, his lies and remarks at the debate continued to support his white supremacy platform of chaos and violence. In the fashion of Hitler and David Duke, Trump spouted, “Stand back and stand by,” to his armed and dangerous Proud Boys “peace keeping” militia. Russia and China were probably quite pleased with his performance and could always stand to profit from this type of political fistfight. In the…


How Do We Rise Up?

At this juncture, we must ask ourselves who are we. Who are we in a world that has been forever changed by Covid and the Trump regime? On one hand, Covid has changed the world and we are challenged as a race to adapt. This is more than likely only the first in a series of vast challenges to our human race and the earth’s environment. Secondly, we can see that we are living within a Trumpian political world whose sole purpose is to get re-elected. Trump remains a puppet for the selfish causes and clearly remains on Putin’s payroll. Following the Russian playbook, it has now become standard practice for our current government to withhold critical information like known…



She was the only woman out of 500 students at Harvard Law and the second woman on the Supreme Court bench. Her husband said that she could not cook. But boy, what she could do! It is said in the Jewish tradition that a person who dies on the first night of Rosh Hashanah, is a person of great righteousness. We believe that we all felt this on Saturday evening when we heard the news of Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death. Like the shooting of JFK or 9-11, we will remember where we were when we heard the horrible news. It was like being in a lighted room and then suddenly all the lights go off and you find yourself in…


Need More Reason to Vote?

It is found in psychiatry, particularly with adolescents, that there are those who feel that the rules do not apply to them. Trump is no different. As Bob Woodward puts it, “Trump’s lying has helped to create his own reality. So, basically he believes that he is right.”  We think on some level, one might say, that this indicates a lack of conscience. This would be fascinating if not so dangerous.  We find ourselves 45 days from the election and struggling with this reality. It is a strategy of our current government who deems that lying is good and that controversy elevates the message. The reality is that our world, at the moment, is faced with the worst West Coast…


He Lies…We Die

As Joy Reid of MSNBC reminded us, religion is when your savior dies for you, a cult is when you die for your leader. In Trump’s case, the cult is a system of devotion directed toward him as he is both a figure and an object. We are all his soldiers… We have spent another week inching closer to the election with 52 days to go. Today, September 11th, is a somber day in many ways. If you were old enough, you remember where you were that day, how you felt, and what you thought about when you fell asleep that night. Those memories you don’t forget. As we approach the election, many of us are becoming more concerned and…

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Your Vote Counts

How To Vote – No Joke

As of today: Trump = 1323 days in office *** 59 days until the election Trump has encouraged voters in North Carolina to commit a felony by voting twice for him - by mail and by walk in. What a desperate man will do. Thousands of votes were tossed out in this year’s Primary Election because of “User Error.” You do not want your vote to be one of those eliminated in the November election. At the end of September, the ballots for overseas and vote by mail will be coming to your door. We have some reminders for you for vote by mail, drive through, drop off, and early voting. 1 -  Make sure that you sign the back…


Potemkin President – Jester in Chief

Many of our readers may already be aware of what the Potemkin effect is. The Potemkin effect is that of creating a façade used when faring poorly and when one wants to make people believe that something is faring well when it is not. It is named after Grigory Potemkin, born in 1739, who was a Russian military leader, statesman, nobleman and favorite of Catherine the Great. Potemkin used a hoax involving construction of painted elaborate facades to mimic real villages full of happy, well-fed people for visiting officials to see. Potemkin was known for his love of women, gambling, and material wealth. Sound familiar? In politics, a Potemkin Village is a literal or figurative structure that’s sole purpose is…


Susan B. Anthony – Free At Last!

So, Andrea said to Maggie, “How long do you think we can tone down our blogs?” Well, we found that it’s harder than we thought. This was pointed out by one of our readers after she read last week’s blog. And she exclaimed “Keep it coming!” And we will. We think that there is only so much kumbaya we can share during these times – at least until November 3rd. We will continue to deliver the truth from our personal and honest perspective. The Democratic Convention blew our socks off this week! While the Democrats were busy trying to save the world, Trump continued to try and dismantle our democratic process. With only 76 days to go until the election,…


Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid

Extra, Extra read all about it - White House requests that Trump’s portrait be carved into Mt. Rushmore! How is Yosemite pronounced? Yo Semite? You can hardly laugh at this stuff anymore! This is a long but important post, so we suggest that you sit down, get comfortable, and relax with a cup of coffee as one reader states that he does in the morning as he reads our blog. As we hit the 80-day mark to the November election, we find it necessary to take this election even more seriously than before. As DOJ’s Bill Barr continues to influence all policy decisions, he remains a big player in the interpretation and revamping of our current laws. As a bully…