The Abnormal Presidency

As soon as Former President Trump (doesn’t that sound good) departs, it may be interesting to note that he has left behind a deficit larger than any other and spending that tops $800 Million. And on top of that, 22,500+ lies in 4 years – all stunning! The Washington Post stated it well in The Abnormal Presidency - 20 most important norms that Trump broke. We can see that the Biden Administration has a big job ahead of it. The Washington Post list of 20: Personally profitingNot releasing tax returnsRefusing oversightInterfering in Department of Justice investigationsAbusing appointment powerInsulting allies and cozying up to authoritariansCoercing presidential discoursePoliticizing the militaryAttacking judgesPoliticizing diplomacy and federal policyUndermining intelligence agenciesPublicizing list of Supreme Court picksMaking…


Trump’s Near Miss

Like an asteroid that almost hit the earth, the cup of coffee you almost dropped, or the vase you almost knocked off the shelf, Trump is a near miss. Scary at the moment as the vase wobbles and teeters, you can almost see it fall. But with your efforts, it rights itself. We have seen firsthand how Democracy can teeter and are now witnessing the impact of our efforts to help it right itself. Trump remains the near miss, a failed coup d’état. Screaming as he is pushed out the door, a sore loser, forever lying to save his skin. He rages on as apparently even the dead were against him, voting from the grave, from heaven and hell. Paranoia…


In Thanksgiving

This seems to be a good time of year to think about traditions. In times like these, it may be helpful to recall some teachings that we learned way back in grade school. The Corporal Works of Mercy is one of those ideologies. As you may have learned, it is a list of directives that have guided people over time towards kindness. The Corporal Works of Mercy remind us to Feed the Hungry, Shelter the Homeless, Clothe the Naked, Visit the Sick and Imprisoned, Bury the Dead and Give Alms to the Poor. During Covid times, these acts may become more challenging. Many are struggling this year with not being able to see their families and will have to replace…


White House Held Hostage

Only a sliver of the population of these United States believes that Trump has won the election. Despite the numbers, they hold on. Imagine the uproar if Hillary had done this! Joe Biden and the American people now find themselves in somewhat of a hostage situation with Trump as he refuses to accept the results of the election and transition from the White House. We anticipated that this would happen so now the NCIS: White House edition begins. Hostage negotiations will continue with Trump who will probably eternally remain the victim of the most secure voting system in the world. Clearly, Biden-Harris have won the popular vote and the Electoral College and there is no evidence of election fraud. Amen.…


Cortisol 101

If you are like most of us, your cortisol level has been abnormally elevated for several months. Only to peak on November 3rd, it has prepared you for emotional and physical challenges, the roller coaster rides, and the dips.  We realize that we are living through an extraordinary period of time. First, the 2020 man-made election and, secondly, close to a year-long, virus-made pandemic. Years from now, there will be movies and books written about both. It will explain how some survived these days and others did not. Cortisol has helped us move through this challenging time and is an essential stress hormone for our health and survival. But, like many things, too much of a good thing is not…


Finding Our Center

11/07/2020 11:25 AM Our human eyes adapt and dilate to accommodate the dark. When in the dark, even a small ray of light will seem bright. Trump has taken us into the darkness as we continually hoped for that small ray of light to appear. Now as the light gradually returns, we must work to center ourselves and our country.  We share tears of joy as we anticipate the work of a true leader who will bring sides together. We are filled with hope once again. It is our charge now to begin the healing process by leaving anger and revenge behind. It is time to revisit who we are, where we are, and where we want to go. There…


After the Fire

Democracy on the Line… One might equate the events over the last four years and leading up to today to that of a forest fire. First the smoke and then the flames. As the smoke begins to clear, there lies the vision of what remains before us. The most amazing adaption to a forest fire is that of plants and trees. There are species that actually require fire for their seeds to sprout as some are sealed in resin. Their dormancy can only be broken as they release their seeds after the heat of a fire melts the resin. There are other plants that remain buried and will only sprout when a wildfire awakens them.   We are not saying…


4 Days to Go – GO JOE & KAMALA

Picture yourself as a race car driver, astronaut, or cardiac surgeon. Imagine their emotions, blood pressures rising as they prepare to race, lift off for space, or begin a life changing surgery. This is how we feel about this election. As we carefully filled out our ballots with perfect circles, our hearts raced as we deeply felt the connection with the potential of our votes. Ours, like everyone’s’ choices, could have implications for mending our Constitution, saving the Courts, defending our Democracy, addressing the Covid crisis, and restoring our dignity in the world. We appreciate that it takes time to research and vote on issues. And, it takes courage to work to safely move this country forward. This election year,…


Breathe In

Faced with the enormity of this election, do not hold your breath!  Breathe in Biden-Harris and breathe out Trump. Breathe in Jaime Harrison, Sara Gideon, and Theresa Greenfield and breathe out Graham, Collins, and Ernst. And so forth… With 11 days left until the election, the Democrats and our supporters are stoked. We are ready to end this fight and get back to the real work of restoring our democracy. Our neighbor across the street told us that if Trump gets in once again, he is moving back to Canada. Let’s hope that none of us will have to make that kind of decision. As the clock ticks down, let’s do all that we can to get out the vote…


Feckless Leader

 (Feckless = lacking initiative, strength of character; irresponsible) The November headlines might well read, “Trump Leaves Office and Burns it Down Along the Way.” Four years ago, we took a leap of faith. We remained in shock for some time after the results of the 2016 election. Many believed that Russia was the reason for Trump’s win and that fact was later proven to be true. In 2020, expect a total revenge when Trump loses the election 18 days from today. This effort has already begun. As a person who does not know how to tell the truth, lying has become routine for Trump and his circle. Trump, in 4 years, has normalized hate speech, grown a vicious militia, and…