The Abnormal Presidency
As soon as Former President Trump (doesn’t that sound good) departs, it may be interesting to note that he has left behind a deficit larger than any other and spending that tops $800 Million. And on top of that, 22,500+ lies in 4 years – all stunning! The Washington Post stated it well in The Abnormal Presidency - 20 most important norms that Trump broke. We can see that the Biden Administration has a big job ahead of it. The Washington Post list of 20: Personally profitingNot releasing tax returnsRefusing oversightInterfering in Department of Justice investigationsAbusing appointment powerInsulting allies and cozying up to authoritariansCoercing presidential discoursePoliticizing the militaryAttacking judgesPoliticizing diplomacy and federal policyUndermining intelligence agenciesPublicizing list of Supreme Court picksMaking…