Trump’s Tentacles

Sometimes, we run across facts that are too good to be true, too real not to note, too relevant or humorous to pass up. We have found one and are eager to share it with you. If you live near the shore or have ever visited the beach, you are probably quite aware of jellyfish. Jellyfish are scary creatures that you might find interesting but never want to encounter. You are probably wondering why jellyfish? One would have never guessed but we have made a giant discovery regarding Donald Trump and jellyfish.  We cannot pass up the opportunity to share this with you. To follow along, you will need to call on your imagination. Let us start with jellyfish, and,…


The Ghost of a President Past

As the Senate Impeachment trial takes shape, how timely that it has been reported that “Q Party” Donald Trump has had a long-standing, close relationship with Russia. It was reported last week that the KGB Soviet spy agency and, later, Russian intelligence cultivated Donald Trump as an “asset” for 40 years, a former spy told The Guardian in a bombshell interview. And the Kremlin was delighted with the results said former KGB Major, Yuri Shvets, who now lives in Virginia. The article reports: The KGB and Czechoslovakian agents first noticed Trump in 1977 when he married his first wife, Czech Ivana Zelnickova, Shvets told The Guardian. “For the KGB, it was a charm offensive,” he explained. “They had collected a…


Finding Happiness in Being Useful

Happiness has been described as contentment and joy. Some say that there is no real joy without pain and that one must experience both to appreciate happiness. We wonder if that is like saying that we must experience both optimism and pessimism and both ends of a lit candle, hot and cold? Mark Twain in his wisdom asked, “What is joy without sorrow?” Happiness, the healthy kind many say, stems from usefulness. Emerson stated, “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful…” So, as we move forward into 2021, we ask ourselves how can we be useful and what comfort can we offer others? It is a jungle out there right now. Many are…


An End and a Beginning

For four years, the American people have been lured into a world of promise only to meet those assurances with disappointment. No jobs and no vaccine but, yes, a wall politically built to further divide the American people. We are now left with a remnant of a second Civil War and a COVID health crisis. People are frightened and worried and are seeking comfort and resolve. Let us start a new day. Let us not follow our own reflection but begin to look at others and see and feel their pain. Let us all begin to heal. Sometimes it hurts being a part of history but, if we live long enough, we inevitably become part of it. Yes, we are…


The Junk Man

We have gotten a lot of spam email lately. From curing toenail fungus to Russian brides, enlargement and shrinking our parts - none of which interests us. We think that this shows that there is a lot of junk in the world these days. There are people who have made a business of selling junk. Now, this is not your back-in-the-day junk man who rode the neighborhood looking for discarded items to make them useable again. This is real junk. This is, “you have won a trillion dollars - contact us right away” junk. It is important to distinguish rubbish from the good stuff and to recognize the difference between what to keep and what to throw out. As we…


The Worst of the Worst

For many years, Aaron Burr was considered the worst U.S. Vice President. Born in New Jersey, he shot and killed his political rival, Alexander Hamilton, in an illegal duel. He carried large debt and was eventually charged with treason. He left for Europe, returned to NY City, had 2 marriages – divorce and scandal ensued. He had a stroke and died broke in a boarding house in New York. Yes, this was our 3rd Vice Present Aaron Burr. Does his story sound familiar? Experts say that you cannot run a political agenda that only represents the top. You must radicalize those at the bottom, those who have far less, so you can promise them more. And that was Trump’s doing.…


The Rogue Wave

If you are saying to yourself, “this is not who we are,” you are wrong. This is just who and what our country has become. A planned coup, a hanging noose, handcuffs, and hostages. This is where “he” has taken us, not down a rabbit hole but straight into the sewer of hell. As his scum followers broke windows and invaded our Capitol, we watched and worried where the Feds were and who was protecting our democracy, our people, and our property. Flags waving and thugs dressed in phony military gear suddenly took charge. While some Capitol Police were overwhelmed, others stood next to the scum bags taking selfies. This is just what we have become, led by a deranged…


On to 2021

As the calendar turns, we look towards a new year. We revisit theimportance of quiet, reading, thinking, and imagining a new plan. We commit to exercise in the hopes of creating new nerve cells in our brains – the ones to replace those that we lost in 2020! Looking back, we see quite a year – of survival, resistance, and resilience. We grieve losses and celebrate survival. It’s a mix of emotions. Let’s think of the new things that have come out of 2020 that you will gladly take with you into 2021. The connections that you have made that otherwise you may have overlooked. The “Pen Pals” that you have bonded with and the time getting to know and…


Your Holiday

Christmas Eve represents that of anticipation – anticipation of the next day, of better times, of new things, of joy and celebration. It is in our human nature to crave something to look forward to. And although this year’s holiday season may feel and be different, we can still anticipate something of joy in the future.  As we have found in the past, sometimes the planning can be just as much fun as the actual event. So, maybe this year what we do is plan for the future and a next year that resembles more normalcy. How about we look forward to a large gathering, cocktails, a dinner party, and endless hugs! As you celebrate the holidays this year, find…


Winter Solstice – December 21, 2020

The winter solstice is the day of the year with the fewest hours of daylight. It is the shortest day and longest night and begins the astronomical winter and is the start of longer days and shorter nights as spring approaches. As we come out of the darkness and lean into 2021, this marks a time to move forward. We may forgive but not forget the damage this current Administration has done to our Democracy. Now, it is time to focus on what matters and revisit what our American values really are. The American values are not that of ruling by coercion, leaders asking to be worshipped, forced fidelity, cult recruitment at rallies, and a “them vs. us” mentality. Our…