Restoring Our Earth – Earth Day 2021

A while ago friends of ours introduced us to Milkweed. No, this is not a new oat or nut milk – it is a plant! We have heard of all kinds of plants and have tried to do our share of planting, especially wildflowers for the bees. Oh, but milkweed we discerned, is the life link within the monarch butterfly community. Learning about milkweed led us to appreciate the compelling journey of the ancestral flight of the Monarch. The colorful yellow and black  butterflies go through four stages during one life cycle and through four generations in one year. The growth stages are the egg, larvae/ caterpillar, the pupa/chrysalis, and the adult butterfly. It takes about 30 days for this…


A Break in the Clouds

This week, we rediscovered the utmost importance of having something to look forward to. One day it suddenly hit us and, at that moment, we felt a sense of lightness of being. It was the day when we began looking forward, not down, and not back. We found that we could finally anticipate something positive again. As this feeling overtook us, we enthusiastically embraced our need and passion for making plans, finally having a to-do list, and the need for a calendar. The world is not yet perfect and probably never will be but now, at least, we can begin to celebrate our little corners of it. With our friends and family, we can rejoice in the freedom to return…


Take a Stand!

This is soon becoming the year where some form of daily blatant racism is demonstrated by several of our Congressional and State “leaders.” We see this particularly in the South with lawmakers embracing regulations to suppress the vote and deny the basic rights of freedom to black and brown people. We do not have to ask why the historic Jim Crow laws or Poll Taxes have become a recurrent topic of conversation in states such as Georgia and Florida. We remain genuinely concerned about hate groups that are rapidly growing in this country. As we fly our American flag in the North and the South, it is intended to stand for the principles of democracy, justice, and freedom. The purpose…


Be A Rosie

It is not enough to just move on following the year of a devastating pandemic with a novel virus.We have all lived through an incredible piece of our past. In times of national crisis, our government has always worked to find a solution to a catastrophe. For example, the War Powers Act of 1941 and 1942 retooled US factories to turn out airplanes, engines, and guns. President Roosevelt called this the ”arsenal of democracy.” Persons like Rosie the Riveter emerged as a political example of this movement where American men and women stepped up in droves to fight the ravages of WWII. Almost everyone served their part no matter what role they played. Later, the Defense Production Act was passed…


A Year Gone By

We recently looked at each other and agreed that we both needed a good cry. For over a year now, we have held it together through thick and thin, Covid, the loss of a dear relative, isolation, boredom, and self-exploration. We have held it together through the former guy, the election, and the insurrection. It has been a year since we have experienced the normal world - a world that most of us felt safe in. Suddenly, a year ago, we began scrambling for masks, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper. A year ago, we feared going to the grocery store and became afraid of the most normal of social norms such as hugs and handshakes. Early on, we chuckled as…


Some Good Advice

A particularly good friend of ours sent us an interesting and insightful article last week. It was quite timely and this is why. I had been wondering these last few days why I had made a blunder on a few Zoom calls. Just last week I waited patiently for the instructor to start the Zoom class and wondered where he and the other attendees were only to realize that I was connecting to the call a day ahead of time! Not only did I do this once but twice last week on another Zoom call. The second time it happened was while I was waiting in the car for Andrea. And yet on a third Zoom training, I realized that…


The Vaccine Club

We suddenly find ourselves in the Vaccine Club. Prior to that, we had vowed to drive up to two hours from home to get the COVID vaccine if we had to. After registering in seven counties in Florida, we were surprisingly chosen from the lottery in our home county to get the Moderna vaccine. Having never won a lottery before, we were thrilled. We hopped in our car the next day, got in line at the drive-thru along with the other cars, greeted the Nurses, stuck out our arms, and waited 30 minutes in our car prior to driving home. With what took just a little over an hour, we found ourselves in the club. The Vaccine Club! While on…


A Wonderful Teacher

For most of us, pain can be a wonderful teacher. Author Louise Hay was a fervent advocate for understanding human pain from a visceral level. She was brilliant at examining pain and disease and its cause. Based on her own personal experience, she claimed that forgiveness along with nutrition and other natural therapies were the cure. Reflecting on her thinking, we do wonder if sometimes it might be easier to take a pill for pain than it is to forgive. To forgive someone of an offense, whether it be a politician or whomever, takes a lot of emotional effort. And, when we forgive this does not mean that there should not be any consequences for those who have committed a…


It’s All About the Vaccine

You cannot walk down the street in our neighborhood and not meet someone who is either asking us if we have had the vaccine or reporting that they have had it or complaining about the horrible system for distributing it. We know that several of our readers have reported that they have gotten their C-19 vaccine and this is terrific news. Despite efforts to address the vaccine rollout, the process has thus far been complicated in some areas. Complicated by governors who are making unhealthy decisions for their residents. In Florida, Gov. DeSantis had encouraged tourists to come for vac vacations, otherwise known as “vaccine tourism,” and receive their vaccines while in Florida. People came from out of state and…


A Tattered Democracy

Trump His People His Crime His Guilt It’s the End of the Senate Trial. Picture Mitch McConnell talking out of both sides of his chins telling one story, then another. Oh, sure, Trump is super guilty but it is too late to prosecute him because McConnell intentionally made it too late. What a loser! We have once again been reminded that you cannot find justice with a jury that is filled with accomplices. The Insurrection at the Capitol resulted in 140 wounded Capitol Police Officers, lost fingers, eye injuries, a heart attack, one murder, and 2 suicides. The mob event on January 6th has many officers, employees, and Representatives forever in mental turmoil and in a state of PTSD. As…