Get Over It

As this summer launches, many of us will begin to wander away from home once again. Traveling can be stressful even at its best. Newly vaccinated and now experiencing the “coming out” from Covid, new adventures await. But, as we have been cloistered for over a year, traveling these days will more than likely be somewhat challenging. Are you vaccinated and are others vaccinated? Traveling now can tax your resilience, your flexibility, and your tolerance for being out of your comfort zone. The rental house or hotel, different food, transportation, and the interesting people whom you meet and who were once okay before Covid can now pose a dilemma. To mask or not to mask, to eat inside or out?…


Let’s Extirpate

We recently discovered a word which further describes our deep sentiment about what we would like to see as the fate of the new Extremist Party (the old GOP). The word “extirpate” means to root out, wipe out, pull up by the roots, and completely do away with. The word struck home with us and describes what we would like to see as the fate of this new Republican Party. An example, in a fine display of stupidity and ignorance, recently MT Greene of the Extremist Party made a threatening statement when she demanded that President Joe Biden provide his response about the China Wuhan lab by June 31st. In an air of continued witlessness, she failed to know that…


Evolution or Regression

We have been scratching our heads lately trying to identify what stage humanity is in its development. Maybe a New Age or the Age Without Conscience would be a fitting title. We thought we would look back into history to gain some clarity. Since life began billions of years ago following the Big Bang, there have been “Ages” that separated the survival and development of living creatures on Earth. The Big Bang is said to define the formation of the Universe and later the formation of the stars and the planets, including Earth. As the theory elucidates, life on earth exploded with the evolution of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. One group of mammals developed hands, thumbs, color eyesight,…


From Pandemic to Epidemic

As we move on from 2020 and the year of the worst pandemic in 100 years, we look back and begin to look ahead as well. With the incredible work of scientists on the Covid vaccine, we are now able to socialize and travel with more ease. We cannot thank them enough. It is hard to predict what will come out of a crisis like the one we have just lived through. The ripple effects of a large-scale crisis can be interesting, strange, good, or devastating. A ripple effect as we know is defined as the continuing and spreading of an event or action. This would imply that the pandemic is not really over, it’s just spreading out. As a…


Commemorative Day

Memorial Day is soon approaching. When we were kids, this meant the end of the school year and the beginning of summer. It meant longer days, reading lists, BBQs, watermelon, beach days, and vacations. It was about listening for the Good Humor truck and, some years later, getting a cool summer job. Memorial Day originated in the years following the Civil War in the 1800’s and was originally called Decoration Day. It officially became a federal holiday in 1971.  It is a day for honoring and mourning military personnel who were lost while serving our country. This includes men and women on the field, at sea, in the air, and those who served in MASH units. Soldiers, medics, nurses, and…


No Time to Waste

For some time, we have been curious about the possibility of the Earth’s magnetic poles flipping. As mentioned in last week’s blog, many facets of our lives depend on the Earth’s magnetic field which is anchored by the North and South poles. The science nerd in us is wondering if we are overdue for this event since the last magnetic flip was some 780,000 years ago during the Stone Age. A flip in the poles would disrupt animal species, human technology, cause power outages, and interrupt radio communications. Some think that this would cause a global cataclysmic event as the Earth’s magnetic poles reverse. A number of scientists suggests that data indicates that we may be in the early stages…


The Small Stuff

There are times when we wonder if we could just take a break from the stressors of the day and find a bit of calm to write about. We found that, for the moment, it is nice to look at other things and appreciate what is going on beyond Covid and politics. So here we go. It seems that scientists are now exploring the theory that humans may have a sixth sense which is being able to sense objects by their vibrations while utilizing the magnetic field of the earth.  We are not surprised. Magnetoreception, as it is called, may be the primal sense and one that may be rediscovered in humans. Do you ever wonder why you take the…


DeSantis on the Loose – The Muting of the State

There is a joke that when the political toilet is flushed, it all flows down to Florida. So true and many vile politicians have already made it to Florida like the current Gov. Ron DeSantis. Little Donnie, as he is called, is backed by the “former guy” and has chosen to run “his” state like a Putin’s paradise.  His regime supports the irrational “big lie” that the election was stolen and, under his rule, the democratic system is under constant attack. This includes his flagrant attacks on voting rights, assistance for those in financial crisis, the freedoms of peaceful protesters, rights of transgendered athletes, and that of local governments' abilities to make their own decisions. Little Donnie lives and rules…


Refuse Hate

It is hard to imagine a person or a political party that is hate filled. We believe that truly functional people find it far more satisfying to love rather than hate and to make friends rather than enemies. So today, we want to address the joy of true and different friendships. Humans are social creatures and for us friendships are essential.  Originally, humans made friends to survive. Safety in numbers so to speak. Now humans do it because we have a need to affiliate. Friendships on all levels are important components of adult life and being with others and having friends adds to our emotional and physical health. Social interaction is essential to every aspect of our overall health. Loneliness…



It would be nice if we could write every week about how to save the butterflies and the bees on this earth. But the reality is that we must keep talking about how to save each other. How do we save our souls, our young, and, especially, those persons of color from the disease of racial injustice that is taking over this country? No matter if you raise your hands, comply with orders, or are in your own home and in your own bed, if you are black or brown, you can become a victim, killed or crippled by police gun violence.  It should be impossible for anyone to ignore the disease of police violence and random murder in this…