An Oath to Keep

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“I, ________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and

defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign

and domestic…”

This week, the Washington, DC area had its first frost warning of the season. How fitting as Virginia was also included in that warning. This warning was an apt response to Tuesday’s Virginia elections and the results on the up and down ballots where Republicans overall took the win. Across the US, at least thirteen members who attended the “Stop the Steal” rally on Jan 6th won their bids for election. Three of those Republicans were elected to state legislatures and five won positions at the local level. We find this bone chilling. Among the Jan 6th attendees who won offices on Tuesday, three were Republicans elected to the Virginia House of Delegates: Dave LaRock, John McGuire, and Marie March. LaRock and McGuire won reelection while March won an open seat. Yes, this is a freeze warning! To think that these members will take the oath to “protect and defend” seems terrifying.

This sentiment brings to mind the right-wing group, the “Oath Keepers,” founded in 2009 by Stewart Rhodes, which has emerged as one of the largest anti-government extremist groups in the far-right patriot militia movement. This is an interesting and frightening group led by Rhodes, a former Army paratrooper and Yale Law School graduate. The group has a history of recruiting military and law enforcement into its ranks. It is one of the largest groups in the patriot militia movement. As supporters of Trump and QAnon theories, they claim to be against the “corrupt elite.” Quite curious as Trump has spearheaded the movement to support and reward rich billionaires. The Oath Keepers and the right-wing conservatives continue their efforts to push democracy underground while eradicating the freedoms of countless number of Americans. Their work as enemies of a true democracy has continued beyond the Jan 6th deadly Capitol takeover.

Not since the Civil War era have we seen such upheaval. A fine example is Alexander Stephens of Georgia. He was a slave owner and the Vice President of the Confederate States of America in 1861. He proudly stated that all men “were not created equal.” So much for our Constitution and the America way. Today, we see the same disruptive rhetoric and thinking. There is a right-wing push to violence, voter suppression, and discrimination against women and those of color, particularly those not attached to the corrupt elite. This movement includes a huge push to a one-party system as seen in other fascist countries. These right-wing efforts are determined to remove and erase history and the teachings of the truth in our educational systems. They intentionally create barriers to learning about slavery and the Holocaust and to betray our country while making a mockery of our Constitution and its people.

The freedoms enjoyed in this country are especially under fire for women, minorities, and those who are struggling and less fortunate. These groups include the working class who have always been the glue that has kept this country stick together. Hard working people in states like Virginia and others have held this country together during times of war, the Depression, the dust bowl, locusts, and famine. The idea of ignoring or eliminating their freedoms is but another huge attack upon our democracy. When we deny individuals a choice, starve the poor, place them in jail for what others would get away with, this is a betrayal of those who have worked hard to build this country. As these individuals are denied choice, whether it be for an abortion, following mask mandates, or voting rights, it is a betrayal of the oath that our representatives take to support and defend our Constitution.

What has happened in the elections this week in Virginia should be more than a wake-up call. It should make us all dig deep into our souls and put fear into our boots. We must understand that the oath that at least eight of the Republican representatives who won on Tuesday will take, may just be seen as a joke. Yes, and because of this, our country’s future becomes a heavy burden to unravel. Our work as Democrats and just liberals has become more vital than ever.

We ask, where is the truth and the “so help me God” in the sworn oath taken by right-wing Republicans to “support and defend our Constitution?” The answer leaves us shaking our heads in disgust and disbelief and we hope that we are not shaking in our boots come 2024.

“Politicians and diapers should be changed frequently, and for the same reason.”  -José Maria de Eça de Queiroz

“I, ________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”

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