After the Fire

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Democracy on the Line…

One might equate the events over the last four years and leading up to today to that of a forest fire. First the smoke and then the flames. As the smoke begins to clear, there lies the vision of what remains before us. The most amazing adaption to a forest fire is that of plants and trees. There are species that actually require fire for their seeds to sprout as some are sealed in resin. Their dormancy can only be broken as they release their seeds after the heat of a fire melts the resin. There are other plants that remain buried and will only sprout when a wildfire awakens them.  

We are not saying that a forest fire is a good thing but we may want to grasp that this past election may have been an awakening by fire. With this November political fiasco, the question remains how do we restore our souls in a world that seems to have lost itself to lies and greed? Yes, we are tired and angry and we accept that. We are tired of the hate, the meanness, and a leader who has torn us apart. We witnessed that hate every day while working at the polls. So, we cry, we laugh, drink a little, sleep, and start all over again.

This backdrop has provided us with a grand opportunity to step back, muster our resilience, re-define ourselves, forge our own way, and feed our broken spirits. Calls, texts, and emails from our family and friends have reminded us of that sentiment. We have also been reminded to rethink our lives and enjoy what we do have. And that, in the end, what matters is who we are within. And that stands for us individually and as a country.

As individuals, this may be an opportune time to declutter our lives and look inward. If you are politically weary, remember that simply experiencing nature is one way to soothe our souls when others attempt to destroy them.  Go outside, quiet your mind, take a breath, see the good, and pace yourself. And appreciate the message that sometimes we must lose ourselves to find ourselves like after a forest fire.

Do not try and understand the mind of a crazy person. Instead, avoid them like hell!

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