A Wonderful Teacher

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For most of us, pain can be a wonderful teacher. Author Louise Hay was a fervent advocate for understanding human pain from a visceral level. She was brilliant at examining pain and disease and its cause. Based on her own personal experience, she claimed that forgiveness along with nutrition and other natural therapies were the cure.

Reflecting on her thinking, we do wonder if sometimes it might be easier to take a pill for pain than it is to forgive. To forgive someone of an offense, whether it be a politician or whomever, takes a lot of emotional effort. And, when we forgive this does not mean that there should not be any consequences for those who have committed a crime. In other words, forgiveness is for yourself and consequence for the offender.

Recent offenses in this country have created not only political but environmental crises. Take for instance the mismanagement of the current Texas climate crisis. In the past, it seems that individuals and communities would come together in times of crisis. Unfortunately, a recent political culture shift has leaned us more towards division than unification. Let’s ask ourselves if it is time to move forward and let go of this divisiveness. Fighting is exhausting and peace brings us energy and calm. Can we now move forward from the fight, looking back only to learn from it but not to linger?

We will not survive future crises if we do not come together as a human race. Putting this into the current perspective, as we start to begin to heal this country, those who may have committed a crime should be brought to justice, legal or otherwise, to prevent them from having a chance to repeat their offenses.  And yes, we can smile as we say to the offenders, “See you in court.”

Indeed, pain is a wonderful teacher. Let us begin to heal – together.

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