A Tattered Democracy

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His People

His Crime

His Guilt

It’s the End of the Senate Trial. Picture Mitch McConnell talking out of both sides of his chins telling one story, then another. Oh, sure, Trump is super guilty but it is too late to prosecute him because McConnell intentionally made it too late. What a loser!

We have once again been reminded that you cannot find justice with a jury that is filled with accomplices. The Insurrection at the Capitol resulted in 140 wounded Capitol Police Officers, lost fingers, eye injuries, a heart attack, one murder, and 2 suicides. The mob event on January 6th has many officers, employees, and Representatives forever in mental turmoil and in a state of PTSD.

As the story goes, the criminal, Trump, is set free and, as he said he could, has gotten away with murder. He will more than likely continue his pattern of deception and revenge. He has dishonored his past office and title and will continue to lure others into his lies with unfulfilled promises. The desperate will follow as they always do, hoping for better, with a culmination at a dead end.  More will die if the criminal is allowed to summon his followers to attack once again.

As history has shown us, the mob boss, portrayed as an altar boy by his attorneys, never gets his hands dirty, sits back and watches the bloodshed. This criminal will never change and will live on without a conscience and with a dead soul.

Intentionally, under Trump’s control, Democracy became tattered and torn and lives were forever lost. Like any war, there are two sides, good and evil. Trump is pure evil and will remain so for eternity. Now it is time for the State of Georgia and New York and the District of Columbia to bring this villain down. In these courts, Trump will not be pampered nor will he have his clones as jurors to protect him. His reign of death and destruction may well come to an end. He may finally get the orange jumpsuit that he deserves.

Final Analysis is that the mob still occupies the Capitol!

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