A Hopeful Stepping Stone to a New Era

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As we make our way through this December, we ask ourselves what does this month mean to us?

Certainly, it is the last month of the year in the modern calendar and its name comes from the Latin word “ten” which marked the tenth month of the year in the Roman calendar. It is one of seven months to have 31 days and it is the first month of winter which those of you living up north can well attest to. December observes World AIDS day, celebrates Christian and Jewish holidays, National Cookie Day, and honors many more.

Of importance is that it can be a month of reflection as it ushers us into 2020. At midnight on the 31st, the Old Year and the New Year converge as many celebrate with a party while others sleep through it. Either way, we wake to a new year with new hopes and dreams that stir our prospect for new things and new goals. It is funny how we as humans believe that a new day can make such a change in our lives and in our outlook. We are handed 365 days to achieve the new or accomplish that which we failed to accomplish in the prior year. In other words, with the turn of a calendar page, we are given the gift of HOPE.

The question then becomes, “what do we do with this gift?” Do we join a gym or start going to the one we joined last year? Do we sign up to volunteer, vow to become a better friend, partner or spouse, or pledge to finally clean out that closet, basement or garage? In addition, we may want to consider that 2019 may be a most significant one because we are living day to day through a most notable time.

One may not grasp the magnitude and importance of recent daily events. We have lived through two impeachments in modern times and we are now well on our way to a third impeachment. The current course of political events holds far more significance than those that have come before and truly deserves our attention. We always seem to fall back to the posture of protecting our Constitution and now is no exception. We, as Americans, may not agree on all issues but we should all agree to support and uphold our Constitution.

We emphasize that our country and our lives as a free nation depend on the structure and rules of our Constitution. It clearly does not support bribery, obstruction, harassment, and intimidation by elected officials. If this current Administration and its lack of civility and obstruction of justice is allowed to go forward with its illegal behavior, we will certainly lose the foothold of the existence of freedom in this country as well as our reputation in the world. Our country was not built on cruelty and lack of civility but rather on fairness, compassion, and vision, not self-interest and greed. Adherence to the rule of law is the centerpiece of a free society and this means that No One is Above the Law.

We may want to remember that:

“No man is above the law and no man is below it; nor do we ask any man’s permission when we ask him to obey it. Obedience to the law is demanded as a right; not asked as a favor.”   

Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President 1901 – 1909, Republican

So, embrace your December and look to January 2020 for new beginnings. It is our hope that we will see social justice start to take hold again and the reversal of injustice and defiance of the law for the sake of the American people. Let’s HOPE for healing in our country and peace around the world.

A final thought:

“If you’re going through hell, keep going.”

Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of England

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