A Fitful Four Years

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A memory from Maggie’s childhood: “When I was a little kid, we used to play games with the other kids who lived in our neighborhood. Inevitably each time we played a board game, Peter, who looked like Beaver on Leave it to Beaver, would try to cheat. As a result, we ended up calling him “Cheater Peter.” I wonder some 50 years later, how Peter is doing? Is he still a cheater? I would think not so because most kids grow out of this kind of behavior and, as adults, we win or prosper on our own merits.”        

Speaking of kids who did not grow out of their cheating behavior, we ordered and received Mary Trump’s book about her uncle this week. We were happy to support her recent literary work. Although we know the ending of this story, we felt the need to read the tale of how Donald evolved into a full-blown sociopath. We do not use this word lightly as many renowned mental health professionals have also applied it to Trump as well. Sociopathy is more common in men than women and there is no known treatment for this personality disorder.  It is many times home grown and follows a parent with similar mental pathology. Is there no wonder here? And leads us to wonder who Ivanka will follow?

We think it is important to acknowledge this disorder and how the diagnosis of sociopath has affected the current political climate and, especially, the handling of Covid-19. First, let’s start with the fact that someone who is a sociopath or, as it is called Anti-Social Personality Disorder, can admit no wrong, lacks respect and feeling for others. This lack of remorse is of significance because it frequently accompanies repeated lying and a disdain of the feelings, rights and suffering of others. Along with the reckless disregard for the safety of others, those who are diagnosed with this disorder, along with being indifferent to the suffering of others, frequently mock them.

On the other hand, with normal human exchanges, we first feel emotion and we use words to express that emotion, and our behaviors generally follow. An individual with an anti-social personality does not move fluidly through those stages of feeling and emotion. Instead, a person with anti-social behavior generally makes no effort to connect and experience what others are feeling. Their relationships with others are purely a means for serving their own needs.  Their thinking is “what can I get from you or use you to get?” They further manipulate to get what they want and are generally deceitful in their methods and actions which frequently break the law. They are calloustoward others while making fun of them, especially, once they have gotten what they need from them.  In the process of living their lives, they can become impulsive, aggressive, hostile, violent, practice risky behaviors, and are financially irresponsible. All with no remorse! As we write these words, we recall the throwing of paper towels at those suffering in Puerto Rico, the caging and separating of immigrant families, and the mocking of John McCain and other accomplished individuals.

It goes on and on as does the man with a cocky, superficial charm and an inflated self-worth. Add to this a narcissistic personality and Trump is quite the package and, as Mary Trump has stated, he is “nothing he had ever claimed to be.”  So, we ask, would you pick a friend or a boss with these personality characteristics? We do not think so! So, the question remains why did we pick a President with these traits? Well, the answer is that we did not. The popular vote did not support Trump’s election. And of course, there were the Russians who were eager to get Trump into office. On average 3.3 percent of people suffer from anti-social personality and, somehow, we hooked one for our President. What were the odds!

In addition to a President with pathological behaviors who manipulates to gain personal profit or pleasure, we need to also recognize his enablers.  An enabler is one who allows someone, in this case Trump, to continue and supports patterns of behavior. We can clearly see that the Republican Senate has filled this role as well as the 30% or less of those faithful, blind followers. Enablers in this case have ignored problematic behavior, covered for them, avoided issues, and practiced denial while turning their heads from the real issues.

As Covid-19 “runs its course” in the United States, we remain victims to the anti-social antics of a leader who denies science and retaliates against those who represent it. Like a broken clock that is right twice a day, Trump said this week, “I’ll be right eventually.” None of this is a surprise although it is shocking. As the deaths and illnesses rise, Trump admits no wrong. He feels no pain for those suffering or for lives lost. He remains true to his disorder with no solutions, only blame, and works only to exploit it in any way that he can to his benefit.

Experts say that it helps to understand the basis of a problem to truly grasp its significance. This is a tricky one for there is no cure for this form of pathology in politics except for the voting process. Everything comes back to November – now 101 days to the election, we start the countdown. In the meantime, do not expect anything of high regard from the glib Trump. We clearly have a racist in the White House and compassion and intelligence are beyond him. He will continue to make a mess, inflict pain, and take what he wants from the American people. We hope that the American people have caught on to this kind of behavior and feel that they deserve better. We seek the only cure for this pathology – our vote.

We would like to dedicate this blog to John Lewis who lived his life in truths and fought for the rights of all. He was a man of honor and will always be remembered as such.

“Don’t give up! Don’t give in! Keep the faith! And keep your eyes on the prize!”  – John Lewis

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