4 Days to Go – GO JOE & KAMALA

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Picture yourself as a race car driver, astronaut, or cardiac surgeon. Imagine their emotions, blood pressures rising as they prepare to race, lift off for space, or begin a life changing surgery.

This is how we feel about this election. As we carefully filled out our ballots with perfect circles, our hearts raced as we deeply felt the connection with the potential of our votes. Ours, like everyone’s’ choices, could have implications for mending our Constitution, saving the Courts, defending our Democracy, addressing the Covid crisis, and restoring our dignity in the world. We appreciate that it takes time to research and vote on issues. And, it takes courage to work to safely move this country forward.

This election year, in particular, we must be aware of the potential dangers of the Trump enabled domestic terrorists like gun carrying, home-grown hate groups, such as local militias, the Proud Boys and QAnon. The cracks in the ground have opened and these followers have crawled out. Like a bad sci-fi movie, they have come to invade our civilization. We are eager to think that our votes could extinguish them and their orange hair, orange faced leader – sending them back underground to wither.  

On Tuesday night, know that we stand together no matter what. Some fights are harder and take longer than we imagined. We are hopeful that this fight is coming to an end. Do not forget to track your early or mail-in ballot and make sure that your vote was counted.

This blog is dedicated to Lady Justice for she symbolizes fair and equal administration of the law, without corruption, favor, greed, or prejudice. Something the Trump Administration knows nothing about.

Don’t just read about the news, be a part of it!

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